Category Educational Resources

let’s create at home – Sculpt-your Story

A Creativity Challenge to make a traditional-style story for a nearby public sculpture with a video from Wednesfield in 2001.

let’s create at home – Kamishibai

A Creativity Challenge to make a kamishibai to accompany the retelling of the Welsh tale of “The House With The Front Door On The Back”.

let’s create at home – A Story Apron for Simon and Nellie

A Creativity Challenge to make a Story Apron to accompany the retelling of the Shrewsbury tale of Simon & Nellie, the expert bakers of Longden Coleham.

let’s create at home – Story Mat for Bufeo Colorado

A Creativity Challenge to make a Story Mat to accompany the retelling of the Rainforest story “Bufeo Colorado”, the shapeshifting pink river dolphin.

let’s create at home – music for One Tree And Many

A Creativity Challenge to make a musical instrument to accompany the retelling of the Rainforest story “One Tree and Many”.

let’s create at home – the crankie Baboushka

A Creativity Challenge to make Crankie to to tell the Russian Christmas story of Baboushka.

let’s create at home – Gawain goes topsy-turvy

A Creativity Challenge to make an Topsy-Turvy Doll to help you tell the Shropshire version of Gawain and the Green Knight.

let’s create at home – Milburga

A family creativity challenge to make a ‘stained-glass’ window depicting a story of St. Milburga of Much Wenlock.

let’s create at home – Jake’s-take on Sedna

A Creativity Challenge to make an origami kayak, draw Arctic Sea Mammals and undertake a fiendish quiz to help you tell the story of “Sedna”.

let’s create at home – Queen of the Birds

A Creativity Challenge to craft a Buzzard with a Wren nestling in its wing to tell a Shropshire version of the Queen of the Birds tale.

let’s create at home – Retablo

A Creativity Challenge to make a Retablo to retell the Rainforest story of the most hated God-demon, Tupan.

lets create at home – Jigsaw & Codex

A Creativity Challenge to make a Jigsaw & Codex (fold-out book with picture images) to retell the Aztec story of Coyolxauhqui.

let’s create at home – Kavad

A Creativity Challenge to make a Kavad (Indian Story Shrine) to retell the very British story of King Arthur & his Knights of the Round Table.

let’s create at home – Kolobok

A Creativity Challenge to make Russian cookies and a set of “nested dolls” to tell the Russian tale of the Kolobok.

let’s create at home – Story-Pats

A Creativity Challenge to make a Story-Pat (singing scroll) of the African story “Queen of the Cats”.

let’s create at home – Story Jars

A Creativity Challenge to make a story jar based on the tale of how Mrs Ellis created the Mere at Ellesmere.

make and use a Kavad

Everything you need to make and use a Kavad in easy to use downloadable pdfs.

make and use Nested Boxes

Everything you need to make and use nested boxes in easy to use downloadable pdfs.

make and use Story Creation Games

Everything you need to make and use story creation games in easy to use downloadable pdfs.

make and use a Kamishibai

Everything you need to make and use a Kamishibai in easy to use downloadable pdfs.

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