One of a series of workshops for home-educators.
Try them as a family or form a group with friends on-line and share your ideas and creations as they unfold.
One of two bonus Storycraft posts of two-hour activities devised and delivered by guest artists and funded by Shropshire Council.
Queen of the Birds by Suzanne Thomas
This challenge is for you to make a buzzard with a wren in its wing to help you tell the story “The Queen of the Birds”.
You will need:
• cardboard, (old cereal packets/delivery packets work well)
• glue
• pencils, pens, paints or crayons
• sticky tape
• paper and scrap paper, if you’re collaging
• a pair of scissors
Here’s an audio version of the story:
Making your Buzzard & Wren
Here is the first making video…
this covers making the buzzard’s underside.
Here is the second making video…
this covers making the buzzard’s topside and the wren.
The images below were posted on our Mythstories – Let’s Create at Home Facebook Group session on 12th August 2020.
If you’d like to follow on with some extras you can make the other birds in the story too!
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