These artefacts were displayed as part of Mythstories museum’s “Who Tells Stories?” constellation. They were donated to Mythstories by the highly successful Derby based Flying Donkeys Storytelling Club in 2011.
The Screen was made by Rachel Moses and formed a backdrop for storytellers performing at the Flying Donkeys storytelling club’s Voice Box venue in central Derby. It was commissioned by the Club with Arts Council England Lottery Funding and the pictures depict many of the storytellers who had told at the Flying Donkeys in the past.
Twelve Cartoons painted by Zora Payne
These twelve cartoons record the year 2005 at The Flying Donkeys’ Voice Box venue. They were commissioned by the club with Arts Council England Lottery Funding.
To quote club member Helen Frances: “Zora was a student at Derby University – graduating in Art Illustration in 2005. … Following graduation, she set to work to execute the paintings, working from a massive portfolio of sketches. … The result shows the workings of the storytelling process on both audiences and tellers.”
Front of House at The Voice Box on Foreman Street – Martin King greets the audience. You can see Derby’s famous ‘Flying Donkey’ descending on a rope from the cathedral tower.
Pete Castle dreaming up an article for ‘Facts & Fiction’. In the background a regular open-mic teller Rowan Beton and visiting storyteller June Peters with her violin.
Helen Francis and a fairy-tale tree surrounded by generic story images.
Raymond Greenoaken with his concertina telling the story of ‘The Devil and The Nut’.
Graham Langley riding on a dolphin and accompanied by fairies playing a trombone, with audience members in the foreground.
Paula Martin mimicking a frog imitating Paula Martin. Paula, from Buenos Aires, visited Derby while on tour in 2005.
Annie Noble, wrapped in a cocoon of stories, and Storyteller and Musician, Nick Hennessey, with a fishing net over his shoulder.
Hugh Lupton and percussionist Rick Wilson, tell the story of Beowulf.
Storyteller, Giles Abbott, with fingers and toes transforming into serpents.
Eddie Lenihan fighting the ‘little people’ of his native Ireland.
Martin King’s story of man who constantly carried a photograph of his beautiful wife.
Naomi Wilds washing up at the end of the evening, assisted by fairies and club regulars, while stories seem to be much in the minds of the departing audience.
Both the Screen and the Twelve Cartoons are now held by the Get A Word In Edgeways Festival of Words and Music in Much Wenlock and are used as set dressing again.